دوره «پیاده‌سازی راهبر بودن»

Leadership in Action Course

“Being the cause of a future” that, through leading a project in your environment, impacts, touches, and inspires you and the people in your world.

What this course is about

In this course, you will have the opportunity to express yourself and practice leadership inorder to make changes aimed at enhancing the quality of life and achieving results that meet your expectations. You will begin with a project where your commitment and vision come alive, and then, through exercises and receiving direct coaching, you will guide your project step by step. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to use the Mission Control system to implement integrity into your life and environment.

Throughout this course, you will experience developing your natural capacity for leadership and creating impactful differences on a much larger scale. You will have the chance to effectively express your thoughts and ideas, share yourself in a way that encourages alignment, collaboration, and participation from others.

Finally, you will see and move beyond the constrains you have imposed on your performance and productivity.

Distinction between this course and the "Being a Leader and Effective Exercise of Leadership "

In this course, we review the content and concepts covered in the “Being a Leader and Effective Exercise of Leadership” course and introduce a system called Mission Control, a tool designed to implement integrity in your life and Environment.

What distinguishes this course from the leadership course is not only the introduction of the Mission Control system but also the opportunity to lead a project in your own environment. Additionally, you will participate in weekly group sessions with direct coaching.

If you wish to consult with WEMA advisors, please complete the form below, and the WEMA team will contact you at the earliest opportunity.


ساختن Stories برای هر مشکل

مشاوره اولیه

ما با درک نیازها، اهداف و چالشهای شما شروع میکنیم. این به ما کمک میکند تا مؤثرترین استراتژیها و راهکارهای متناسب با شما را طراحی کنیم.

تدوین استراتژی

با استفاده از بینشهای حاصل از تحلیلهای ما، یک استراتژی سفارشی طراحی میکنیم. این استراتژی شامل راهکارهای فناوری، زمانبندیها و نقاط عطف مشخص است.


با استراتژی در دست، راهکارها را اجرا میکنیم و اطمینان حاصل میکنیم که هر مرحله با دقت و کارایی به انجام برسد.

We are here to answer your questions.

از اینکه بهترین راهکارها برای نیازهای شما چیست، مطمئن نیستید؟ تردید نکنید و با ما تماس بگیرید!

What will I accomplish from this course?

In this course, you will be able to express and lead yourself, applying this leadership to enhance the quality of life and create changes aligned with what you see as possible. You will discover and expand your natural capacity for leadership and experience the impact you can create on a broader scale.

  • You will be able to effectively articulate your thoughts and ideas in a way that fosters alignment, collaboration, and participation from others.
  • You will design a project and witness how your passion, commitment, and vision come to life.
Will this course be in Farsi or English?

This course will be presented in Farsi and all content will also be in Farsi.

How can I submit my request?

You can register for WEMA courses or request organizational transformational consulting through WEMA’s contact number or by reaching out to consultants on the website.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

In this case you can visit our FAQ page or contact us through the following number.  
